
Image index of South Korea

Foreign Ministry of South Korea held "The results presentation of the 2013 image survey of Korea" on the 25th in the "Press Center International Conference Hall". More 150 people of the general audience and relevant organizations and speech field, and academia attended.

Foreign Ministry conducted "national image survey of Korea" for the 6000 male and female adults aged over 18 in 17 countries around the world by mid-November from mid-October last year. Survey countries were six countries of Arabian Peninsula, Vietnam, India, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, Poland, Turkey, South Africa, and Egypt. The research of the neighboring four countries was excluded because of many existing results.

According to the result, major image of South Korea was recognized as a technology rather not a culture. Image that comes to mind first for Korea was the electronics and name of companies like Samsung and LG (14.3%) greater than (6.2%) response K-pop and drama.

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